Saturday, November 24, 2012

TPT load: Session failed with error: 'dmapper/trans/srcpipe.cpp'

       We are using Informatica 9.1.0 HotFix2 version , SQL server is source database and Teradata is target database. We changed the load type from ODBC to Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) and we got the below error when we start the session with TPT stream load. 

Error in Session Log:

Message:  *********** FATAL ERROR : An unexpected condition occurred in file [/export/home/builds/pc9x_root/910HF/build/powrmart/server/dmapper/trans/srcpipe.cpp] line [1268].  Aborting the DTM process.  Contact Informatica Global Customer Support. ***********  

Screenshot of failure

Reason for failure:
We have given Pre-SQL but TPT load does not support Pre/Post SQL.


We removed Pre-SQL and ran the session and it got succeeded.